Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Magic Behind Music

Have you ever wondered what makes music magic? I have. Ive wondered why great songs can have such different effects, so a version played by one artist sends shivers up my spine while the same song performed identically by somebody else leaves me unmoved ?



We can all think about at least one song that, once we hear it, it triggers an emotional response like happiness or sadness or dark thoughts, and so on. it might be a song that accompanied the first dance at your wedding, as an example, or your past love or a song that reminds you of a difficult break-up or the loss of a beloved or something heard elsewhere that catches your motions.

The musician Billy Joel once said. “It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from or what language we speak or from which country, everyone loves music.”

Almost All people would wholeheartedly believe this statement, and it's this universal bond with music that has led researchers across the world to research its therapeutic potential and even prove it.

The music's not from earth


“We have a deep connection to music because it is ‘inherited’ in our brains and bodies,” Barbara Else, senior advisor of policy and research at the American Music Therapy Association told Medical News Today. “The elements of music – rhythm, melody, etc. – are echoed in our physiology, functioning, and being.”

Given the deep connection we've got with music, it's perhaps unsurprising that numerous studies have shown it can benefit our psychological state. A 2011 study by the researchers from McGill University in Canada found that listening to music increases the amount of dopamine produced within the brain — a mood-enhancing chemical, making it a feasible treatment for depression.

The music itself is a language from another world its words are notes (do, re, me, fa, sol, la, si) and its accent is melodies….

Music proves the concentration and Reducing pain and anxiety

Bob Marley once sang: “One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.” According to some studies, this statement may ring true.

Earlier, this year, MNT reported on a study led by Brunei University in the UK that suggested music may reduce pain and anxiety for patients who have undergone surgery and precisely the French classic music from the 70s.

But why does music appear to ease the pain? This is often not understandable While the exact mechanisms remain unclear, as almost all the researchers believe that the  reason is that listening to music triggers the release of opioids within the brain, the body’s natural pain relievers. And this is the secret ingredient that causes this flavor on our minds.

The music's An effective stress reliever

As I tried many times when feeling stressed, you may find listening to your favorite music makes you feel better – and numerous studies support this effect and this second one from MNT.

"The MNT last month reported a study  , as an example, they found that kids remain calm for longer when they were played music rather than spoken to – even when speech involved baby talk"

The study researchers, including Prof. Isabelle Perez of the center for Research on Brain, Music, and Language at the University of Montreal in Canada, suggested the repetitive pattern of the music the infants listened to reduce distress, possibly by promoting “entrainment” — the power of the body’s internal rhythms to synchronize with external rhythms, pulses or beats.

Music and memory

Certain songs can remind us of certain periods or events in our lives – some that make us smile, and some we might rather forget.

With this in mind, researchers are increasingly investigating whether music may aid memory recall.

"In the year 2013, the journal Memory published a study & Cognition enrolled 60 adults who were learning the Hungarian language. The participants were randomized to one of three learning tasks: discussing unfamiliar Hungarian sentences, rhythmically talking the same phrases or singing"

When asked to recall the phrases, the researchers found participants who sang the phrases had much higher recall accuracy than the opposite two groups. “These results suggest that a ‘listen-and-sing’ learning method can facilitate verbatim memory for spoken foreign language phrases,” say the authors. 

And as always the key behind a song is the refrain who makes the difference and makes forcibly remember even if more than 15 years has passed in anytime you hear this just the start of the song your mind will recall all the memories that happened and situations you passed through that days you were listening to this song. And that is why music it is a magic language.

Generally, the title Spellsingers are mages who work their magic by singing and playing musical instruments.

Baron Von Rocha (Sofia the First) Yunice (Valkyrie Crusade) is a mage idol that uses music magic to bring happiness.

In In Nomine reality is controlled by something called "the Symphony;" the setting's "magic" consists of manipulating the Symphony in a couple of different ways.

When you play a musical instrument you dont just create a single frequency: an A may equate to precisely 440Hz, but guitar strings, piano strings and vocal cords all vibrate in multiple frequencies simultaneously.
For Schopenhauer, the progression of musical notes, especially the melody on top, mirrors the progress of our own inner striving.
The main character in the Bedlam's Bard series by Mercedes Lackey is a Bard, which in that universe means he is possessed of fairly powerful Magic Music.
As an Alicorn god of Music, Blue Goldstone has similar powers as Blue Suede Heartstrings and other fellow Music deities.

The Dazzling Divas' entries reveal that he can turn people into his Clerics and grant them the ability to use music-related magic through his Music domain , allowing the Dazzling Divas to perform greater feats when calling upon his power.

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